Ramblings I wanted to include in my webpage Bio, but was too wordy
Below are some of my ramblings about how I think I may have come about being a photographer.
As a child I liked to pretend. I spent many happy hours building things, or putting on shows, and basically getting lost in my own little world. I would like to thank my parents and teachers for allowing me to live creatively.
As I think back I don't know that I was ever that interested specifically in photography but I've always been a story teller. My first grade teacher Ms. Flemming used to say that I was going to be the next Steven Spielberg, and in fifth grade I sent a letter to George Lucas asking for a job at Lucas Arts.
Some time has passed since then and I have had many great experiences in the technical field of computers; producing local televison shows on recreation and county politics; and large format printing. Mixed among those experiences I was always doing something with a video or still camera.
It wasn't until 2002 that I discovered the magic of photography and the wonder of creating visuals by controling light. So, I consider myself a late bloomer in terms of being a photographer. In fact I look at the stories that many other photographers tell about how they got started and I think wow what would it have been like to grow up with a camera in hand. However, as I think about it now I did grow up with the same experiences as many other photographers, I just didn't have a camera at the time. In my mind owning a camera, any kind, is the same as owning a time machine.
Thank you for reading my rambling, I look forward to meeting you in person and learning a little about you as well.
Happy Trails,
Derek Dowsett
Mr. Off Topic