Cache Community Emergency Watershed Program

Episode 43 of The County Seat series focuses on water management in Rich and Cache County.

First Malia Bascom investigates Bear Lake. Not in search of the monster that locals believe lives in the lake, but how the lake is used for flood control and irrigation and the important role it serves in keeping the agricultural lands from drying up.

The rest of the show looks into the canal restoration project in Cache County. Two years ago a landslide took out part of the canal system. On Oct. 3rd the record of decision was made by the NRCS as to which alternative will be used to proceed with the Cache Community Emergency Watershed Program.

A golf metaphor...

I look at this picture that I shot today of my cousin Tyler and I can't help but remember how exciting a time it was to be graduating High School. Things are far less stable now then when I graduated in 2001. Who would have known the changes that would take place in a decade. 

I've never played a game of golf but I have been on a couple courses and watched people as they try to hit a home run and get that perfect game. I can't help wondering though if golf wouldn't be a wonderful metaphor for life. Looking out across a wide expanse toward a place that you want to get the ball to go, and that through some coaxing, eventually you will get that little ball closer, closer, and eventually into the hole. Every once in a while you get that hole-in-one. However there are the times when get stuck in a sand trap.

Right now I feel like I hit that damn little ball as hard as I could, but had no idea where I wanted it to go. I hope my cousin has a better plan but for right now he has a clean score card and a bag full of clubs.

NBHA & Best' N West Finals 2011

Another great barrel race is done and past. It's hard to believe another barrel race season has past. I set up my lights in a different pattern that allowed me to shoot several different positions in the arena which made for some exciting photos. 

On the way home on Sunday, I saw this rail car sitting in the beautiful light cast by the sun as it was about to set. I decided to take a quick detour to get a couple shots before we set off down the road.

I imagine this as one of the rail cars I rode on as a child at the Hogle Zoo or Lagoon when we would go on the adventure train ride.

Ramblings I wanted to include in my webpage Bio, but was too wordy

Below are some of my ramblings about how I think I may have come about being a photographer.

As a child I liked to pretend. I spent many happy hours building things, or putting on shows, and basically getting lost in my own little world. I would like to thank my parents and teachers for allowing me to live creatively.

As I think back I don't know that I was ever that interested specifically in photography but I've always been a story teller. My first grade teacher Ms. Flemming used to say that I was going to be the next Steven Spielberg, and in fifth grade I sent a letter to George Lucas asking for a job at Lucas Arts.

Some time has passed since then and I have had many great experiences in the technical field of computers; producing local televison shows on recreation and county politics; and large format printing. Mixed among those experiences I was always doing something with a video or still camera.

It wasn't until 2002 that I discovered the magic of photography and the wonder of creating visuals by controling light. So, I consider myself a late bloomer in terms of being a photographer. In fact I look at the stories that many other photographers tell about how they got started and I think wow what would it have been like to grow up with a camera in hand. However, as I think about it now I did grow up with the same experiences as many other photographers, I just didn't have a camera at the time. In my mind owning a camera, any kind, is the same as owning a time machine.

Thank you for reading my rambling, I look forward to meeting you in person and learning a little about you as well.

Happy Trails,

Derek Dowsett

Mr. Off Topic

Fwd: County Seat : Episodes 1-2

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: County Seat : Episodes 1-2
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 12:00:03 -0700
From: Derek Dowsett <>

Dear County Seat Supporters,

We are excited to get the County Seat project underway for 2011. Hopefully you have seen promos for the new show on Channel 4. You can connect to you tube to see the promo that is currently running by clicking here.

I sent out a list last week of topics that we will be covering in the coming year, but I would like to give you a quick run down on the first three shows. If you are interested in being part of one of the upcoming stories or round table discussions please email me and let me know. Here's what we have coming up on the County Seat during January.

Episode 1:
Feature: An introduction to County Commissions and Councils
Round Table: Preview of Legislature 2011
Feature: Jail Funding
Round Table: Discussion about Jail Funding (State contracts vs. inmates sentenced directly to county jails.)

Episode 2:
Feature: "The Money Trail" (How counties collect money and what it is used for)
Round Table: Conflicts between State and Counties involving tax dollars
Feature: BLM revoking county RMP's
Round Table: Discussing the above feature

Chad Booth and I are working together closely to make this project a success. If you need to contact either of us we can be reached at or or call 435-668-1187 with any questions or comments. If there is any interest in being involved in any of these topics or you have something pressing that you want covered during the legislative session please let me know ASAP so we can begin working on it. Thank you for your support on this project. If there are additional contacts that I need to be aware of for future mailings please let me know who those people are. I want to keep all of you well informed on what we are doing so that you are all part of this project.


Derek Dowsett

County Seat