Paul Mitchell Hair School Class: Building your Portfolio

Future Professionals,

I had a great time teaching your class today. I hope that the information that I gave you will help you in your future successes. Please give me some feedback. I'd love to go more in-depth on the camera work if any of you are interested.

I've included the outline from the class here on this site in case you want to go over anything.

There was something else I forgot to mention in class. If you have a friend that can take some good pictures of you working that might be useful as well. Make sure you explain to the client what you are doing.

Thank you for the opportunity to come and teach your class.

-Derek Dowsett


AGS: Off Topic Paul Mitchell Promo

How Long does it take to build a client base?

What’s the hardest part about building a client base?

You need something tangible that you can hand to potential clients, so they can see what you are capable of.

Crash Course in Photography

We’re going to talk about what we want to focus on with Hair and Makeup.

You are going to take some pictures, and we will look at them as a class.

I’m going to show you what to do with those pictures.

Basics of Photography


· The Camera sees light different than we do.

o Aperture – Controls the amount of light that enters the camera through the lens.

o Shutter Speed – Controls the length of time that light is allowed into the camera.

o ISO- The sensitivity of the sensor or film to light. The higher the ISO the more sensitive it is to light.

o White Balance – Compensates for the different color of light sources. The difference between daylight and indoor lighting.

· Light modifiers (Making a simple reflector)

· Finding a good light source INDOOR / OUTDOOR


· Using the camera (Work with students that have brought their camera) Q&A


· Rule of Thirds

· Background / Foreground

· Vectors

o Graphic Vectors- Lines that occur in the frame that lead the eye to the subject.

o Index Vectors- Something that is pointing in an absolute direction. Finger point/ Arrows painted on the ground.

o Motion Vectors- Perception of movement across the screen. Determined by the framing.

Shooting the Model

Typically a Head and Shoulders shot.

· Focus on what you are trying to show-off. Use vectors to help pull the attention to what you intend the viewers to focus on.

· Keep your subject at ease. You have just done their hair and makeup, so you already have a connection.

[Activity] Carry out a photo shoot. In Groups of 3 or 4 (Depends on how many cameras we have)

[Discussion] Look at the photos we took in class and talk about them.

Portfolio / Look book

Pass around different portfolios and talk about what works and what doesn’t

Keep your portfolio in mind when you are shooting for it.

Use the same rules for your look book that you would with your portfolio. The Hair/ Makeup is what’s important.


The Camera, the Shoot, and the Portfolio all work together to create a tangible way to sale your talent.

Please write down 5 things you learned today, and share them with your partner.

If you have a free minute please visit my blog and tell me what you thought of the class, or please ask questions. - an online look book that you can submit styles to or look at for inspiration.